People with a Severe Mental Illness are within the JCVI’s priority group 6 for the vaccine, as there are existing health inequalities for people with a SMI. We are working with colleagues and partners across the system to increase uptake for people with an SMI and the following resources may be of use.
- In this 4 minute video, Dr Emma Tiffin explains the importance of vaccinating people with an SMI and provides some advice as to what to consider to increase uptake: COVID-19 vaccination: A guide for GPs and teams to support people with severe mental illness
These resources have also been created to support people with SMI understand what to expect:
- Equally Well UK have produced a guide for people with SMI and their Carers re what to expect from the vaccination programme
The following short videos help to provide information about what to expect from the vaccine appointment from Professor Wendy Burn and Kevin James, an Expert by Experience: