
Ordering repeat prescriptions

Repeat prescriptions can be ordered by:

If you wish to use the online services, you can register using our online form.

A minimum of two working days notice is required, or three working days if collecting from a pharmacy of your choice. You can collect your prescription from the surgery, or your items will be available for collection from your chosen chemist if you’ve requested this.

Please ensure to order your repeat prescription early if it is due on or near a bank holiday.

Medication Reviews

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.

Please ensure that you book an appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.

Medicines Management

The practice may conduct medicines management reviews of medications prescribed to its patients. This service performs a review of prescribed medications to ensure patients receive the most appropriate, up to date and cost effective treatments. This service is provided to practices within Derby and Derbyshire Commissioning Group. If you have been asked to submit a medical review, please visit our Health Review and Assessment Clinic.

Medicines Order Line (MOL)

The medicines ordering service will issue medication and appliances on behalf of the practice whilst adhering to data protection and information governance. This service is provided to practices within Derby and Derbyshire Commissioning Group.

Prescription Fees

View the cost of prescriptions on the NHS website.

You can also find out if you are entitled to free prescriptions.